The bor rowing words f rom Dutch language to Indone sia
language i s done unmarked ear l ier than the bor rowin g
f rom Engl i sh language. Indonesia language borrows some words
from other languages to enrich its words such as Sanskrit language,
Hindi-Urdu, Tamil, South China languages, Arabic, Persia, Portuguese,
Dutch, English, and local languages (Javanese, Sundanese,
Minangkabau, etc). This study described about the lexical borrowing
from English language to Indonesian language. The sounds
equivalent to Dutch language is applied toward the new words
which are borrowed from English language. Suffix in Indonesia
language is equivalent with the borrowed suffix from Dutch
language and also applied in the similar suffix meaning in
English language. There are some words from English language
which are not influenced by the borrowing words from Dutch
language because there is no word with the same spelling with
the words in Dutch language.

Published: 2019-12-04

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