
Nowadays we are served with so many sophisticated devices which can be used by the whole age. This study investigates the language acquisition of two years old toddler who is influenced by sophisticated devices. Toddler at that age cannot pronounce the word correctly but they are curious when seeing what adult do with sophisticate devices. Compare with other toddlers who has not influenced by sophisticated devices, toddler with the influenced by sophisticated devices tends to more aggressive and curious to do something which also influence her speaking, even though it is not clear enough. Sophisticated devices give some contribution in order to stimuli toddler’s language acquisition but parents should be aware when controlling their toddler. The technique of collecting data is observation. Through observing the object, the writer can see her development in language acquisition because her language acquisition also develops through using the sophisticated devices. Later, this situation hoped will give toddler easiness in their language acquisition in facing this globalization when they grow up.


Keywords: language acquisition, toddler, sophisticated devices

Published: 2019-12-04

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